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      living with a shadow overhead, I have been sleeping with a cloud above my bed , I have been lonely for so long ,Trapped in the past, I just can not seem to move on! ”
    随即景思皓开始合男声:“I\039;ve been hiding all my hopes and dreams away ,Just in case I ever need them again someday ,I\039;ve been setting aside time,To clear a little space in the corners of my mind !”
    景思皓唱完,本来隔两拍,然后两人一起合的,结果没有景思皓的指导,咏嘉又快了半拍,就变成不整齐的:“All I wanna do is find a way back into love!”
    唱道这里,咏嘉垂着头,没有再开始唱了,而景思皓还在继续唱:“I can\039;t make it through without a way back into love 。”并拉着咏嘉的手,款款的看着她,给她鼓励。
    咏嘉心里暖暖的,慢慢又继续跟着唱起来:“I\039;ve been watching but the stars refuse to shine,I\039;ve been searching but I just don\039;t see the signs ,I know that it\039;s out there ,There\039;s gonna be something for my soul somewhere。 ”唱完,便看着景思皓。
    景思皓完美衔接:“I\039;ve been looking for someone to shed some light ,Not somebody just to get me through the night,I could use some direction,And I\039;m open to your suggestions !”景思皓快要唱完的时候,便用食指在咏嘉的手上轻轻点了2下,示意她听到自己数两拍便一起合。
    咏嘉先没有明白,等后面唱了几遍以后,就渐渐找到感觉的,随即一起合起来:“All I wanna do is find a way back into love!I can\039;t make it through without a way back into love ,And if I open my heart again,I guess I\039;m hoping you\039;ll be there for me in the end!”
    此时,中间有十几秒的缓冲,咏嘉长舒一口气,两人越唱越默契了,互相笑笑,听着音乐,感受景思皓在手中给她打着拍子,便唱了起来:“There are moments when I don\039;t know if it\039;s real,Or if anybody feels the way I feel,I need inspiration,Not just another negotiation !”
    最后,两人直接完美合歌:“All I wanna do is find a way back into love ,I can\039;t make it through without a way back into love,And if I open my heart to you,I\039;m hoping you\039;ll show me what to do,And if you help me to start again,You know that I\039;ll be there for you in the end !”