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    What039;s stopping you?(是什么阻碍了你,让你停滞不前?)

    &oo tired?(是太累了吗?)

    Did enough sleep?(是睡眠得不到满足吗?)

    Don039;t have eny?(是没有足够的精力吗?)

    Don039;t have enough time?(是没有足够的时间吗?)

    Is that what039;s stopping yht now?(是这些东西阻碍了你吗?)

    Don039;t have enough money?(是没有足够的钱吗?)

    Is that the thing?(是这样子的吗?)

    Or is the thing that’s stopping you? (是这些东西妨碍了你吗?)


    Exd best to the person who’s making them up.(你总是找一些完美的借口来为自己开脱。)

    Stop feeling sorry for yourself.(停止自怨自艾吧。)

    &he pity potty,telling everybody you’re sad and sob stet people to show up to your pity parties and your pity parades.(不要再遗憾着过去,告诉别人你的悲伤和委屈,让人们看到和感受到你的遗憾。)

    If you ever see me in a rolls royce,a 6 or 7 star hotel,livihe fullest,do jealous of me,bey ass off to get it.(如果你看到我坐在一辆劳斯莱斯上,住在6星级或者7星级的酒店,过着我圆满的生活,请不要嫉妒我,因为这些全是靠我自己的全力以赴得来的。)

    Nobody hahing.(没有人帮助我。)

    Wake your ass up!(所以,清醒吧!)

    &he beast inside!(唤醒你内心深处还在沉睡着的睡狮吧!)

    It’s game on.(比赛已经开始了。)

    It’s go season.(赛季也已经到来。)

    It’s time for you to take advahe ad the resources that you have in your d your unity.(该发挥你所在的国家、你所处的圈子、你所拥有的渠道和资源的优势的时候了。)

    You got a problem with your life(你对你的生活还存在疑问吗?)

    You got a problem with your e(你还对你所处的环境心怀不满吗?)

    Do someting about it.(如果有,那就即可行动起来去改变它吧。)

    If you want it,go get it.(如果你想拥有它,那就努力去得到它。)

    &he excuses are not valid.(请明白,借口是最无用的东西。)

    They’re jured up,they’re faicated,they’re lies.(借口源于虚无、编造和谎言。)

    And how do you stop the lies?(该如何让谎言灰飞烟灭?)

    You stop the lies with the truth.(是事实。事实胜于雄辩。)

    Ah is you have time,you have the skill,you have the khe support,and the willpower ,and the dise to get it done.(这个事实就是你拥有时间、身怀技巧、掌握知识、得到支持、信念