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      destroyed. Private logging companies are making their way toward the Great Bear Rainforest…(然而,年复一年的工业伐木在宝贵的雨林中间留下了道道伤痕。伐木机器和运输道路在延伸着,野生动物的栖息地在不断萎缩和丧失着。私营伐木公司正将他们的黑手伸向大熊雨林……)
    特写:车门上印着的“掠国公司”的徽标:两根交叉圆木上一个骷髅头。徽标上方用英文圆弧状写着:LogAll Ltd.
    记者甲:I’m a reporter from Vancouver Moon. Mr. Minister, my question is that which parties will be bound by the Great Bear Rainforest Conservation Agreement. (我是温哥华月亮报的记者。请问部长先生,哪些单位将受到这个《大熊雨林保护协议》的约束?)
    官员甲:Mainly three parties, the private logging companies, government, and Environment Conservation Association. The private logging companies agree not to expend their logging patches, and the government will help these companies in labor protection. The Environment Conservation Association will act as an observer over the implementation of the Agreement. (主要是三方面:私人伐木公司,政府,和环保协会。伐木公司同意不扩展他们的采伐点,政府则在劳工保护方面给与企业协助,而环保协会作为观察员,则监督协议的执行。)
    记者乙(华人):I’m from Vancouver TV Chinese Channel. When will the Agreement come into effect (我是温哥华中文电视台的记者。请问协议什么时候生效?)
    官员甲:One year later. (一年后。)
    彼得:I’m Peter from VNN. Why the Agreement doesn’t come into effect at once Who would watch the disreputable logging companies, LogAll Ltd., for example, before the Agreement becomes effective (我是VNN的彼得。为什么协议要一年后才生效?在协议生效前,谁来监督像掠国公司这样没有信誉的伐木公司?)
    诺曼(掠国公司副总裁、脸色阴沉):We signed the Agreement. This means that we are a reputable and trustworthy company. (我们签署了协议。这说明我们是一家有信誉、值得信赖的公司。)(走近彼得、小声:) You’ll pay off what you said. (你会为你的话付出代价的。)
    彼得:Sir, is this your intimidation (先生,这是你的恐吓吗?)