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    “That\\\039;s why I chose this topic.Rule consciousness is everything. Moral
    sentiment is also important, but only if it\\\039;s a business activity. Value judgment must be given from the perspective of benefit. Unprofitable investment would make damage to capital. no matter What noble and universal the purpose of the investment. (这就是我布置这个选题的目的,规则意识是重于一切的,道德情操当然也重要,但前提是这是商事活动。必须从效益角度出发给出价值判断。不获利的投资,是对资本的损伤。哪怕这个投资的目的有多崇高。多普世。) ”
    “ In your class, except for the 21students who did not hand in the paper,she was the only one who chose the cost clearly. Most of the others wanted to balance the cost and morality. Or stand in the highest point of humanity chose the moral .(你们班,137个人除了没交作业的21人外,就只有她一个人鲜明的选了成本,其他人大都想要成本与道德兼顾。或者站在人性的制高点上选了道德。)”
    “But what I\\\039;m trying to say is that this is a sorting problem and not a personality review. It is reasonable and oroper that the most important things should be done first. Do not violate the rules is the moral integrity of the law of investors to set the yardstick. The abandonment of the recipient who is nable to perform the contract does not violate the integrity emphasized in the moral system. Acting on the basis of contractual elements, rather than worldly sentiments, will keep practitioners reasonably sober. This is essential for effective investment planning to protect
    existing assets. (可我想说的是,这是个排序问题而不是人格审查。最重要的事情先完成,是合理且应当的。不违规就是道德中诚信法则对投资人设立的准绳。对无法履约的受资方的舍弃,也当然的,并不违反道德体系中所强调的诚信。以合同要件作为行为指导,而不是世俗情谊,会让从业者保持适度的清醒。这对保护既有资产,制定有实际效益的投资计划是必须和必要的。)”
    “you know,you cannot have your cake and eat it.(你们都懂得的,鱼与熊掌不可兼得。)”
    “so just make a certain choice and do it.(所以只用做一个选择就行了)”
    尹滢也还在回味他所说的,you cannot have your cake and eat it,这地道表达给她带来的冲击与震撼。